The Impossible Project

27 Jan 2009, 11:19am

The Impossible Project

Remember my post last week about Polaroid failing to understanding their market value and stopped making their self-developing film? Well it sure created a flurry of comments on this site the likes of which I have never seen before. Thank you to all of the commenters. (I would thank you all individually but I am a very busy man. Sorry.)

Anyway, there is hope yet…sort of. A group calling themselves Impossible b.v. has signed a 10 year lease agreement with Polaroid for the factory and all the equipment used in the Netherlands plant which made the now defunct film and film cartridges. Impossible b.v. plans to use the facility to make:

“… a new product with new characteristics, consisting of new optimised components, produced with a streamlined modern setup. An innovative and fresh analog material, sold under a new brand name that perfectly will match the global re-positioning of Integral Films.”

Whatever that means. Just give us back our wonderful grainy odd-colored auto-developing film, will ya? Does it have to be that complicated? Sheesh.

  |  1 Comment  |   TAGS:  Photography Stuff Tech Stuff

Chit Chat

by karina  |   27 Jan 2009, 6:26pm  |  

What a beautiful web site. Just from the looks of their site, their product is bound to be impressive. And, they’ve signed a 10-year lease, so it looks like they’re in it for the long haul.

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