Over 40 – February 2011

4 Jun 2011, 8:06am


All baby time in February. Took Duke to his first concert (Yo La Tengo) and his second concert (Ted Leo). A good dad wastes no time in giving his kid street cred.

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Over 40 – January 2011

2 Jun 2011, 11:27am


More baby time in January.

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Over 40 – December 2010

4 May 2011, 1:49pm


Wow. Look at all the couch time. Kinda sad. But it was a great month. Got to stay home with Duke the whole time. Had a great snow storm on New Years Eve too.

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Over 40 – November 2010

4 May 2011, 1:44pm


Had a HORRIBLE bout with kidney stones. That was the low. The high was the birth of our son, Duke on Thanksgiving. Amazing.

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Over 40 – October 2010

4 May 2011, 11:38am


Better late than never, right? Been busy. Anyway, October was the the month of preparing for our son to be born. Not much else happened really. If it did, I can’t remember.

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Over 40 – September 2010

9 Oct 2010, 12:30pm


There was a fire in the neighborhood. My wife said, “That’s all it takes for all the cockroaches to come out of their houses.” She was talking about our neighbors which we almost never see. the biggest news: NEW FREAKIN’ CARPET! SO nice. My ears got clogged with wax. pretty gross. Sucked, too. Also, bought a new camera. So far, I like it.

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Over 40 – August 2010

9 Oct 2010, 12:24pm


Went camping twice. One trip was fun, one was horrible. I wore a lot of WFMU t-shirts. That’s what happens when you have about 20 of ’em. I cleaned out the car port which was VERY satisfying. Other than that, work, work, work.

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Over 40 – July 2010

4 Sep 2010, 3:36pm


This was a pretty busy month. Spent a week in McCall Idaho. My home computer workstation completely died. Spent two days messing with it. Couldn’t even get Windows to reinstall. It has now been replaced with a new iMac. Wasn’t ready to spend the money but I had to have it. Our dryer broke so we had to replace that as well. Saw a great art installation in the Presidio in San Francisco. Oh, and I got a concussion from messing around with my friends. It lasted a good two weeks.

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Over 40 – June 2010

4 Sep 2010, 3:24pm


June was a month for watching soccer, i think I did a few other things in there but I can’t remember.

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Over 40 – May 2010

4 Sep 2010, 9:26am


I’m Back! Rarin’ to go. What happened in May? Hmmmm. That was a long time ago. Can’t really remember too much about it. We did buy a new TV. Exciting, right? Went to AZ to see the folk. Was given a brand new computer at work. (I REALLY needed it.) Got as free hug from a dude in Portland.

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Over 40 – April 2010

26 Jun 2010, 4:50pm


And then what happened? We are having a kid in November which is very exciting. The weather was horrible. Lots of work.

Over 40 – March 2010

27 Apr 2010, 7:38pm


Well, I don’t know what to say. It WAS an important month for sure. Life-changing even. If you don’t know about it yet there are a couple of hints in the photos about a big change over at the BPH home office.

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Over 40 – February 2010

28 Mar 2010, 12:59pm


Feelin’ a bit fat so I started riding my bike a bit more. Got a bunch of prints I had lying around ready for framing. Hit the snowshoe trails one day. Saw Sloan in Portland. Had a date with a cup in Eugene. (It was very romantic.) Other than that it was work, work work.

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Over 40 – January 2010

6 Feb 2010, 5:58pm


January. 2010.

Is it, “Twenty-ten”, or “Two-thousand ten”?

Who cares.

Anyway we were in Mexico for a bit. That was great and very much needed. After that it was back to work. I did manage to finish and send out my annual mix CD (a DOUBLE this year!) which was great. Bought a wonderful ukulele from Wildwood Music in Arcata, CA. (Thanks for the great deal, E.P.!) Saw Avatar. The only thing I can say about it is, “Why are the pretty ones so dumb?” The script and story were SO phoned in. Also I began the process of framing the eight pieces of artwork that have been accumulating over the last year. I also sent five business envelope shaped photographs to a random stranger from the Friends of Tom message board. I hope they enjoyed them. (The person who was supposed to send me something never did. Lame.)

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Over 40 – December 2009

30 Jan 2010, 3:37pm


Had a COLD beginning to the month. Had a pipe freeze and everything so we were without hot water for a day. At least it didn’t break. Spent a lot of time indoors due to the weather but did get out for a hike on the old birthday. (42 bitches!) And we also went to Mexico for the new year.

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