Saturday Morning Animation – Apache

15 May 2011, 9:28am
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7 May 2011, 8:42am
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Saturday Morning Animation – The Thomas Beale Cipher

29 Jan 2011, 10:33am

A great short animation based of a true legend.

The film contains 16 hidden messages that hold clues to the characters’ secrets. Eight are fairly easy and require only a close eye. Six are moderately difficult using various encryption methods. Two are extremely difficult and will require a genius mind to decrypt.

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Saturday Morning Animation – One Rat Short

22 Jan 2011, 10:26am
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Saturday Morning Animation – MARS

11 Sep 2010, 11:16am
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Saturday Morning Animation – Fluffy Mc Cloud

4 Sep 2010, 4:04pm

(via The Everlasting Blort)

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Saturday Morning Animation – Big Bag Big Boom by Blu

5 Jul 2010, 11:36am

Amazing. Yet again.

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Saturday Morning Animation – Work

22 May 2010, 9:58am

By Michael Rianda

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Saturday Morning Animation – E.T.A. by JUNK

8 May 2010, 11:36am
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Saturday Morning Animation – A Bear Film

3 May 2010, 8:43am

I know it’s not Saturday but this fits for a Monday.

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Saturday Morning Animation – THE RETURN OF JOHN FRUM

10 Apr 2010, 5:53pm

I won’t pretend to know one bit of what goes on in this short but I sure do like it and it’s Aeon Flux feel. It is a trip and a half…

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Saturday Morning Animation – Yellow Cake

13 Mar 2010, 10:27am

(Via The Everlasting Blort)

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Saturday Morning Animation – Evil Bee (Menomena)

6 Mar 2010, 8:50am

Remember that awesome Ramona Falls video I posted a while back? Pretty cool, right? Well here is another one for Ramona Fall’s leader Brent Knopf’s other band Menomena, also animated by Stefan Nadelman. It is equally as good.

YouTube Preview Image
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Saturday Morning Animation – “I’m Impressed”

20 Feb 2010, 7:00am

Oh, paper-craft. So fun to watch. And They Might Be Giants fun to listen to.