Great Gatsby Business Card Poster
Another winner! What happens when you take the characters from chapter four of the Great Gatsby and decide to make business cards for them? If you are The Heads of State you have a dynamite poster on your hands. 32 different cards pulling from the design styles of the 20’s all on one sheet. This is also a great project for design teachers to give to their students. What a fantastic idea and executed beautifully. This was also printed by those geniuses over at Studio On Fire.
This bad boy is for sale too. $90 bucks. Hey man, quality cost. Do it!
(Via Beast Pieces. Again.)
Typography Deconstructed Poster
A beautiful poster from the people over at Typography Deconstructed. The poster covers the Anatomy of Type and also has a Type Glossary. The poster is a high-quality 16 X 24 letterpress print produced by the print masters over at Studio On Fire. The detail on this poster is top notch:
The good news is that this beaut is for sale. The bad news is that it comes with a $100 price tag making it out of reach for casual buyers. (Promo code SOFMARCH2011 gets you $10 off throughout the month of March 2011, though.) If this were last year I would have bought it already and turned it into a tax write off for “business expenses” as this poster is top shelf. But life is hectic now and purchases are on hold. However, gifts are graciously accepted.
(Via Beast Pieces)
Ampersand ID Chart from Douglas Wilson
I was bad. I bought this. I didn’t consult the wife first. I hope I am not in trouble but this is fantastic. I already own a few Douglas Wilson prints and just couldn’t resist this one. Apparently there are 110 prints but only 15 available in the US. Not sure why but there you go.
Based on the Snellen eye chart, this three-color, letterpressed poster is designed to keep your typographic eye keen on the details of everyone’s favorite conjunction.
Hand letterpressed on bright white French 100lb. cover-weight “Sweet Tooth” Pop-Tone paper. Limited-edition of 110 prints, signed by the artist.
Each print comes with an identification key that details the names and weights of all 61 ampersands.
UPDATE: Sold the fudge out at Doug’s site but you can still get it over at Keep Calm.
UPDATE#2: Sold the fudge out EVERYWHERE. Mine came in the mail the other day and it is beautiful.
(via Jessica Hische on Twitter)
Lorax Print by Mt. Pleasant Press
Will someone else please go buy this awesome print from Mt. Pleasant Press based on the Dr Seuss book The Lorax . I am not buying this even though I want to and it is a great deal at $30 considering there were only 20 made. Just too many other posters to frame at home and I am trying to save some money.
“Stare at the Monitor All Day…”
I can relate….
Poster by Shaz Madani via FFFFOUND
In a New York Minute Poster Design
This was a poster design for a non-existent gallery show I did back in 2006. It’s too bad it wasn’t a real show. I would have gone…
The Lucha Library
Check out this awesome poster from El Jefe. It is a beautiful two-color silkscreen, hand pulled, with an addition of 100. Did I buy one? Damn straight. There is also one that is red instead of green with a smaller edition.
4th of July Poster
This was a rush job I had this year. Normally I do not get to do any print work at the design house where I work. I am merely a pixel pusher (HEAD pixel pusher actually) in our web department so this was a nice change.
I just found out about this site. It is a gigantic library of music gig posters. And I mean Gi-frickin-gantic. I have yet to really search through it but on a quick glance, there are some real beauties in there. There is also a bunch of crap too.
You can search by band or by the designer. They also have a place to sell posters and other music merch. I did a quick search for Modest Mouse and came up with 145 posters. Some are super cool too:
And I have this Decemberists one designed by Mike King (reminder to self: go get it framed!):
If you find any cool posters, let me know in the comments!
Yosemite Events Poster
It is what it is. A poster showing the Fall events around Yosemite valley. (Psst…I took the picture, too!)