HillCrest Vineyard – Web Development
HillCrest Vineyard is a local winery. It is Oregon’s oldest established winery. I was asked to build their first website which i was very pleased to do. It is built in Joomla! and uses the Virtuemart shopping cart which I customized for the site (coming soon!)
Copyright ©2009 Creative Images.
Umpqua Partners for a Drug Free Future Web Site
This is a new web site that I completed for Umpqua Partners for a Drug Free Future. The site is built in the Joomla! content management system.
Copyright ©2009 Creative Images
Well, here I go again. Yet another freakin’ redesign of bigplastichead.com. This time, it has to stick for a while or my wife is going to slit my throat for spending so much time on the computer. Hopefully my dog will begin to recognize me again. That would be nice.
Throughout my ‘career’ on the interweb I have had a total of about ten different sites. It started off with just wanting a web portfolio of my photography. I learned some Flash and made some swoopy-loopy Flash site that would make anyone looking at it nauseous. After that I started blogging. I even had a blog that recorded all of the letters I wrote and sent to G.W. Bush telling him what a screw-up I thought he was. (Over two-hundred letters and he never wrote back. I guess I can’t expect him to confirm me as a friend on Facebook now either.) I now blog at Big Plastic Head. And now here too. WTF am I thinking!?!
I’ll tell you. This is the more personal, artsy-fartsy site rather than a common scrapping of the internet for things that tickle my fancy. This is the site that will feature my photography and design work. This is the site that I will send clients too that will collect and show my work. I still may link to some outside goodies but they will be on the more photography/design/art theme because there is really some amazing things going on out there. And I am trying desperately to get involved with that…
Partnership for the Umpqua Rivers
This is a redesign for the Partnership for the Umpqua Rivers. This site went live in May of 2008. This is in the Joomla! content management system.
Copyright©2008 Creative Images. All Rights Reserved.
Music on the Halfshell
This is a redesign for the Music on the Halfshell concert series held annually in Roseburg, Oregon. I was responsible for the overall design, fonts and layout and all the graphics on the site As well as most of the band content and research. (I was also took the photographs in the portfolio section for the years 2006 and 2007.) The site was built using the Joomla! content management system.
Copyright©2007 Creative Images. All Rights Reserved.
Area Health Education Center
This was a redesign for the Area Health Education Center that we did at Creative Images. I was responsible for the overall design, fonts and layout and information architecture. I also created the graphic maps used throughout the site. The back end has an older content management system that we had to design around. We also added the Helios calendar for their event calendar. Unfortunately, we were forced to make some graphic changes on the site as well as architectural changes (against our recommendations) that I think really hurt the layout and the overall content so the live site is not what it once was. In fact, I am not going to link to it. You have to go find it for yourself. You have been warned.
Copyright©2007 Creative Images. All Rights Reserved.
J. Simms Photography
J. Simms is a local photographer who needed a simple gallery. We gave him one. We kept the design simple and clean to let his photography be the showcase.
Copyright©2007 Creative Images. All Rights Reserved.
Creative Images
This was an “emergency” redesign for Creative Images (where I am the head of the web department). The designers had come up with a new marketing campaign using spirals to define each department. This had nothing to do with the previous site. I had to create this site in about a week (from design to final coding) to be ready for a few special job pitches that we had coming up. It came out well except for the lack of strong content. (We need more!)
Copyright©2007 Creative Images. All Rights Reserved.
The Wimberleoni Wedding Site
A friend was getting married in Australia – and the United States! Thankfully, to the same guy. They wanted a site that guests could go to to get information on both of the events. She was a great client as she gave me ALL of her content at one time. It made it much easier to design.God, I wish they all could do that…
Umpqua Dairy
This was a web comp for a redesign of the Umpqua Dairy web site. This proof was completed over a year ago for them but, for whatever reason, they decided to take the site out to bid and you should see the site they ended up with. Click here for the current site and judge for yourself. Yikes. What a disappointment. Any dairys out there need a nice new design? No waiting!
Copyright©2007 Creative Images. All Rights Reserved.