Flat Advertising Lighters
Good ‘ol Draplin points us toward this amazing collection of flat advertising lighters over at Flickr.
Adidas: Kopanya
I am not a follower of socce….er….football, I mean, but I sure like this ad campaign from Adidas to celebrate the first ever Africa hosted Confederation’s Cup . The way to be famous in Africa is to have a haircut named after you and have your likeness painted on a wooden board or on the side of a building advertising your special coif. Adidas had these commissioned, each one representing the stars of the game and their special “cuts” – their noted skill at the game.
I do not know who they commissioned to do these but I sure hope they made the effort to find people who really do paint these signs in Africa and not just someone to knock ’em off.
Kopanya is a South African word for togetherness and is part of Adidas global campaign – “Together I am strong”.
(via www.ibelieveinadv.com)
Vintage Vespa Images
Nice collection of vintage Vespa Images over on Flickr. I still want one of these things…
(via Bibi’s Box)
Subliminal Advertising

Proof that subliminal advertising works…even on the douchebags who create it.
“Psychological methods to sell should be destroyed…” ~The Minutemen