The Big Plastic Head Music Mix 2008
24 Feb 2009, 5:53pm
Oh YES! I FINALLY I finished my 2008 mix CD. Every year, I take all of the music that was released in the previous year and distill the songs down to a manageable fifteen to twenty tracks. I burn them on to a bunch of CDs and send them out to all my friends. WAY better than Christmas cards I think. This is year four or five and I do really enjoy doing it.
I also make a swell original cover for each “release” because God knows I need more portfolio pieces that reflect the work I WANT to do, not the work that I am forced to do.
(Click the above images to see the back and inside.)
Chit Chat
BRILLIANT! lends itself well to binge listening!
And a fine mix it is. Didja get my email spanky?
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